
 Dharam karam separated in Dwapar yug  and we reached kaliyug where is complete separation of two

Why ?

To get power, position and Money.

At Sangam efforts done to integrate the two and we crossed sanskars of kaliyug influence inside us.Doing the return journey we reached Dwapar where is still this separation of two coz it is this time when it was really started,but due to effect of Sangam 's effect this too loosing it's effect and dharma and karma integrating at a very fast pace.

Now is the time to integrate both and every soul become a soul of Golden age(A diety soul),this is our aim and object where dharam and karam not separated .Dharam is included in karma and every soul has both the crowns of jewels and other of light(purity)

On this return journey reached Dwapar yug(8 degrees ) which too is about to end now very soon...slowly will move towards treta(14 celestial degree purity) and finally to complete satyug where soul is 16 celestial degree pure.


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